Sermons – 2022

12/24A Nativity Homily by St John ChrysostomFr. Patrick Jackson
12/18Christ is Born to Build a City - Sunday Before NativityFr. Patrick Jackson
12/11The Great Banquet - Luke 14:16-24Fr. Theodore Sakellar
12/4Unexpected Offense or Humble Praise - Luke 13:10-17Fr. Patrick Jackson
11/27The Peace of God - Ephesians 2:14-22Fr. Patrick Jackson
11/20The Temple of God Enters the Temple of GodFr. Patrick Jackson
11/13The Parable of the Good Samaritan - Luke 10:25-37Fr. Patrick Jackson
10/30The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus - Luke 16:19-31Fr. Patrick Jackson
10/23Misguided Zeal - Galatians 1:11-19Fr. Patrick Jackson
10/16The Image of God - Holy Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical CouncilFr. Patrick Jackson
10/09The Widow of Nain - Luke 7:11-16Fr. Patrick Jackson
10/02"As Your Father is Merciful" - Luke 6:31-36Fr. Patrick Jackson
09/25The Calling of the Disciples - Luke 5:1-11 - 1st Sunday of LukeFr. Patrick Jackson
09/18Sunday After the ElevationFr. Patrick Jackson
09/11...So Must the Son of Man be Lifted Up! - John 3:13-17Fr. Patrick Jackson
09/04"According to the Scriptures" - 1 Cor 15:1-11Fr. Patrick Jackson
08/28The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant - Matt 18:23-35Fr. Patrick Jackson
08/21Faith as a Mustard Seed - Matt 17:14-23Fr. Patrick Jackson
08/14The Dormition of MaryFr. Patrick Jackson
08/07The Transfiguration is Viewed through the Lens of the CrossFr. Patrick Jackson
07/31Christ Centered is Other Centered - Rom 15:1-7Fr. Patrick Jackson
07/24Which is Easier, Forgiveness or Miraculous Healing - Matt 9:1-8Fr. Patrick Jackson
07/17The Light of Love - Matt 5:14-19Fr. Patrick Jackson
07/104th Sunday of Matthew - Matt 8:5-13Father Spyridon Jajeh
06/26The Call of Christ - Matt 4:18-23Fr. Patrick Jackson
06/19Sunday of All SaintsFr. Patrick Jackson
06/12Be Filled with the Holy Spirit - Holy PentecostFr. Patrick Jackson
06/05Sunday After Ascension - John 17:1-13Fr. Patrick Jackson
05/29Sunday of the Blindman - John 9:1-38Fr. Patrick Jackson
05/22Sunday of the Samaritan Woman - John 4:5-42Fr. Patrick Jackson
05/15Sunday of the Paralytic - John 5:1-15Fr. Patrick Jackson
05/08Sunday of the Myrrh-bearing Women - Mark 15:43-16:8Fr. Patrick Jackson
05/01The Beautiful Unbelief of Thomas - John 20:19-31Fr. Patrick Jackson
04/23Into the Darkness - Holy SaturdayFr. Patrick Jackson
04/17The Triumphant Entrance Into Jerusalem - Palm SundayFr. Patrick Jackson
04/10Christ, the Fulfillment of Purification - Fifth Sunday of Gt Lent - Heb 9:11-14Fr. Patrick Jackson
04/03Christ, the Fulfillment of Promise - Fourth Sunday of Gt Lent - Heb 6:13-20Fr. Patrick Jackson
03/27Christ, the Fulfillment of the Priesthood - Third Sunday of Gt LentFr. Patrick Jackson
03/20Christ is the Fulfillment of Prophetic Preaching - Heb 1:10-2:3Fr. Patrick Jackson
03/13Christ is Perfection! - First Sunday of Gt Lent - Heb 11:24-26, 32-40Fr. Patrick Jackson
03/06Sunday of Forgiveness - Matt 6:14-21Fr. Patrick Jackson
02/27Sunday of the Last Judgment - Matt 25:31-46Fr. Patrick Jackson
02/20Sunday of the Prodigal Son - Luke 15:11-32Fr. Patrick Jackson
02/13Publican and Pharisee - Luke 18:10-14Fr. Patrick Jackson
02/06The Canaanite Woman - Matt 15:21-28Fr. Patrick Jackson
01/30Zacchaeus - Luke 19:1-10Fr. Patrick Jackson
01/23Christ came for Sinners - 1 Tim 1:15-17Fr. Patrick Jackson
01/09Repent for the Kingdom - Matt 4:12-17Fr. Patrick Jackson